Career Centre

The goals for our Career Academy is to help people in times of change. This includes students

  • transitioning to a different industry or type of work because of a change in circumstances.
  • upskilling because they want to be more valuable to their current employer
  • upskilling because they want to start a business, online business or find work as a contractor

Industry Connect

LOGO Bookkeeping Industry Connection, accounts tutors, internships, placements, work experience, jobs for Xero, MYOB, QuickBooks Short Courses Logo

One of the most difficult things to gain from any training course, long or short, is experience in using the software in a real world environment – practical skills.

Practical skills comes with experience and experiences breads confidence because you not only know how to use the software but how it is used in a real life situation.

Industry Connect is a series of assignments that reveals common issues faced by accounting staff and professional bookkeepers in their jobs performing bookkeeping for managers and clients.

Industry Connect provides you with a structured approach to understanding common issues faced by existing employees so that you can better communicate with employers.

One of the popular features of Industry Connect is that you get to communicate with a real life bookkeeper, office administrator and digital marketing professional about these skills and tasks – without the fear of needing to appear like you know it all (like you’d have to do in a job interview).

Learn about Industry Connect

JobSeeker Program

The Career Academy’s original training program for those exploring the numerous paths available in the job market. The JobSeeker program utilises numerous resources to help students understand every aspect of the job, the industry and the macro environment as researched by the Australian Federal Government.

Topics featured in our program include:

  1. Understanding what YOU are looking for in this job — and better understanding yourself
  2. Understanding the future opportunities of selected industries
  3. How to search for jobs
  4. Creating a high quality resume
  5. Preparing personalised cover letters and emails for job applications
  6. Researching the business before make phone contact
  7. How to conduct yourself in a telephone interview
  8. How to present yourself at a face-to-face meeting for the job
  9. Tips from employers about what they are looking for
  10. Negotiating your package
  11. Starting your new job.

Learn more about the Career Academy Career JobSeeker Training Program.

Resume Review

resume Scan and review service - align your resume and cover letter with Xero & MYOB, Office admin and digital marketing job descriptions and job ads

Unless you are regularly looking and applying for jobs you may not have all the right elements in your resume to catch the attention of the employer. In fact with modern Application Tracking Systems your resume may automatically be removed from the short list of job applicants without you even getting a chance to demonstrate why you would suit the job advertised.

The Resume Review Service is designed to ensure that your resume matches the jobs you are applying for to improve your chances of getting shortlisted and reaching the end of the hiring funnel.

Explore our Resume Review Service

National Bookkeeping & Office Administration Talent Pool

When you enrol into selected MYOB & Xero Bookkeeping Certificate and Office Administration Certificate training course packages you get FREE membership to our Talent Pool.

National Bookkeeping and BAS Agents and bookkeeping training courses

National Bookkeeping is a Bookkeeping Business Startup system that helps people start their own bookkeeping business without the high cost and ongoing royalties of a franchise system.

A significant component of this system is teaching Bookkeeping Course graduates how to

  • promote themselves,
  • get discovered online,
  • find potential clients and
  • start earning money working remotely from home as an independent contractor.

Our local awareness marketing also includes course graduates who enrol into a package that incudes membership of the talent pool.

Start an Online Business

Australian Small Business startup courses, start an online business with the Career Academy & National Bookkeeping. Xero courses, marketing courses, customer service courses

In conjunction with Australian Small Business Centre Pty Ltd the Career Academy helps graduates who want to start and grow an online business.

Graduates learn how to work from home and earn multiple income streams utilising websites, digital assets and online customer service tools.

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  • Experience is a critical component of your job application, but it shouldn’t be limited to bookkeeping work. Most job ads will ask for ‘suitably qualified’ or ‘experience in a similar role’ in an effort to attract the best candidates, however that doesn’t mean that only experienced bookkeepers should apply. Applicants with relevant experience in a […]
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  • An Information Memorandum for prospective investors should include a FUTURE earnings forecast based on milestones and achievements to date. When you’re evaluating the purchase of an online business there’s more to the income generating potential than what you first see. The figures presented in the profit and loss report reveal the past and current trading […]
  • What will potential clients see when they click on your Google Ad? A well crafted Google Ad with an attractive offer will improve your click through rate, but what your bookkeeping prospects see next will decide whether or not they take the next step towards booking your services. What Is a Landing Page? The purpose […]
  • Learn how to use paid ads effectively to attract new clients and grow your online business. Businesses offering professional services such as bookkeeping, customer service or virtual assistant services typically find themselves competing against other businesses who are advertising the same services, at the same price, in the same place. That doesn’t mean that you […]
  • Customise your online business purchase with a bespoke business solution. If you’re purchasing a business off the shelf, chances are that you will inherit some operational aspects that you don’t want. Perhaps the business is currently supplying products or services that are irrelevant to your long term business objectives. What if there are additional services […]